Outsmarting Yourself

Outsmarting Yourself: Catching Your Past Invading the Present and What to Do about it


Dr Lehman’s first book Outsmarting Yourself: Catching Your Past Invading the Present and What to Do about it came off the press in March 2011. This book provides an excellent theoretical foundation for the Immanuel approach. It also provides concrete strategies to recognize and deal with the triggering from our unprocessed memories while we are still in the working on finding and resolving them. The above website is loaded with free resources and downloads from the book. Visit the site to learn more about how our past affects the present and how Immanuel approach dovetails with these important concepts. In addition the site also provides lots of information to help you discern whether this book will be a helpful resource for you. We particularly recommend the videos and MP3 on the home page, the key concepts page and chapter one as good places to begin.

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