Emotional healing for non-Christians

Another exciting thing we have observed with the Immanuel approach is that it sometimes works with non-Christians, and when it does, those who have thereby experienced Jesus’ living, loving presence, and received healing from him, usually decide to follow him. For example, two of the people attending Dr. Wilder’s recent training seminar in Asia started the week as non-Christians (they had been required to attend by their employers, who figured that Dr. Wilder, as a western Ph.D. psychologist, might provide valuable information regarding treatment for post traumatic stress disorder). However, even though they were not Christians they were still willing to try the exercises, and by the end of the week both of them had experienced the Lord’s living, personal, Immanuel presence, received healing from him, and decided to follow him. A similar scenario during our May 2009 seminar in Panama provides another example. A non-Christian mental health professional found one of the flyers for the seminar, and probably decided to attend because he thought that my lectures on psychological trauma and implicit memory would be valuable, regardless of my explicitly Christian perspective. However, even though he was not a Christian he was still willing to participate in the Immanuel approach group exercise that we included at the end of the seminar. And he was astonished by the results – he experienced God as a loving Father for the first time in his life, he went to several traumatic memories and received profound healing in each of them, and then he ended the exercise by deciding to follow the Lord.

Outsmarting Yourself, pages 76 & 77